Saturday, April 30, 2011

Blends & Types

{"Wall Texture" * 4/29/2011 – 8:57 AM * Rexburg: 2nd east * f/20 * 1/60 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT}

{"Get the mail" * 4/29/2011 – 8:33 AM * Rexburg: My Neighbor * f/5.0 *1/2000 sec *Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT}

For my blended image, I used the wall texture and the mailbox photos. I opened them both in photoshop and placed the wall texture over the mailbox and then for my blending tool I used color burn. I then turned the opacity down to 32% that it gave it the subtle feel that I wanted. The mailbox almost looks 3 demensional and is the main focus, but, you can still see the steps leading up to the house. I also like how it blened the grass and the sidewalks in the background and saturated the colors slightly.

For my typography, I chose the phrase "The land of the free the home of the brave" because the mailbox says "US MAIL" and I wanted to correspond with American values but not make it too patriotic and cheesy. I typed each line on a different layer and arranged them in different sizes and right alighted the type. Then, I linked the layers together, and played around with the location. After I figured out I wanted it on the sidewalk, I overlayed it and turned the opacity down to 35% so it wasn't very noticeable and didn't mess with the hierarchy of the photo.

Color Study: Stainless Steel

Recently, I have been on this stainless steel kick! I love anything stainless steel. Almost all my kitchen appliances are stainless steel and I really enjoy the feel my kitchen has. Its crisp and clean cut and simple but exquisit at the same time.

As I started thinking about what I want to do my color study on, I start observing colors. I noticed there were certain colors I am drawn to via eye and certain colors I am drawn to via camera. Stainless steel did both and so that is why I decided to do my study on Stainless Steel.

{"One man's trash, is another man's treasure" * 4/29/2011 – 8:59 AM * Rexburg: 2nd east * f/3.5 * 1/4000 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT * I had to get down low to take this photo so I could get the branch blurred in the background and focus more on the stainless steel device.}
{"Steel my food" * 4/29/2011 – 8:45 AM * Rexburg: My Kitchen * f/4.0 * 1/60 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT * I struggled and took many pictures to find out how I could best get the clearest shot of the kitchen aid but still get the stainless steel objects in the background. I had to strategically arrange the items to do so.}
{"That fence that separates" * 4/29/2011 – 8:30 AM * Rexburg: My Neighbor * f/9 *1/320 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT * I wanted both the fence and the sidewalk to be included in the photo. The cement brought in the grudge look that I was looking for and the fence brought texture. I didn't put my aperture up too high because I wasn't standing far away.}
{"Saturday Morning" * 4/29/2011 – 8:58 AM * Rexburg: 2nd east * f/18 * 1/60 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT * The image on the right was a blue color and I didn't want it to show up super bright so I caught it in the shadow and then tried to focus on the grungy barn in the background with the stainless steel tower on the left accenting the picture.}

Saturday, April 23, 2011


{ "Tragedy At Winter Quarters" * 1/22/2008 – 1:29 PM * Florence, Nebraska * f/2.8 * 1/45 sec <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

{"Baptism Day" * 3/26/2008 – 10:35 AM * Laguna Niguel, California * f/2.8 * 1/304 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

Both of these pictures were taken completely raw with a simple snapshot camera. I played around slightly with lighting and the flash so I had several photos of each originally, then, I chose only the best to post. The background of the both images had fairly good light and I felt like it would help with focusing on the focal image, [the statue and girl]. 

*None of these photos were previously edited in photoshop. 

Past Photography

{"Sunset: Nebraska" * 1/10/2010 – 9:29 AM * Omaha, Nebraska * f/5.2 * 1/60 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

{"Brothers" * 2/19/2010 – 7:44 PM * Nauvoo, Illinois * f/8 * 1/200 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

{"Nauvoo Temple" * 2/19/2010 – 7:45 PM * Nauvoo, Illinois * f/8 * 1/215 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

{"Moving Forward" * 2/20/2010 – 2:38 PM * Nauvoo, Illinois * f/8 * 1/200 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

{"Returned" * 3/12/2010 – 1:18 PM * Mesa, Arizona * f/2.8* 1/145 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

{"I will follow you" * 3/25/2010 – 8:35 AM * Laguna Niguel, California * f/8 * 1/431 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

{"Cupcake Contest" * 4/3/2010 – 9:41 AM * Mesa, AZ * f/2.8 * 1/90 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

{"First Day" * 7/21/2010 – 8:11 AM * Murray, Utah * f/4.4 * 1/861 sec * <KENOX S860  / Samsung S860>}

As you can see, I am quite the beginner in photography. These photos were mostly taken for recreational use, not for artistic pleasure with a simple snapshot camera. However, I always took a picture with a purpose. Whether my purpose was to take a beautiful photo or a informative photo, I never snapped, just to snap. Also, if it turned out blurry, I tried again. I messed around with the flash and different angles, but that is really the extent of how far I took it. The picture storing program that I currently use is called Picassa. It helps with simple editing of photos and is easy and efficient to upload them to. Other than that, I haven't done any other editing.

*None of these images were previously edited in photoshop.