For this assignment, I wanted to pose images that were simple. I really enjoy typography and we had some letters sitting around at work from signs on campus so I thought I would see what I could do. I set up the shoot on a glass island that we use to cut paper, etc. I wanted the reflection and liked the subtle coloring in the background. I have been discovering my style and I really like pictures that look raw so this non-destructive editing assignment has been my favorite so far. | | |
{"Love, Me"* 5/5/2011 – 10:47 AM * Rexburg: University Communications Bldg. *f/4.5 * 1/60 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT} |
On this photo, I started in camera raw and touched up the levels a bit, including increasing my blacks and using the adjustment brush to increase the exposure in the foreground. Then I took it into photoshop and added a mask where I adjust the layers even more there. I discovered that I like the heart card to be more in focus than the 'm' so I decreased the exposure on the 'm' using a mask and decreased the exposure even more in the foreground and added overlay.
{"Love, Me, Blues" * 5/5/2011 – 10:49 PM * Rexburg: University Communications Bldg. * f/4.5 * 1/40 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT}
After making simalar adjustments to my first photo in camera raw, I had a hard time figuring out what smart filter to add to this picture.I tested out a few and really liked the texture look. The blue background already had texture to it so I decided to eliminate the texture everywhere, except for the heart card. After that, I even ended up taking it off of the red heart and increasing the exposure on the heart and the 'm' using the adjustment layer mask.
I really like your "A Scene from Bambi" picture. I didn't even know those flowers were there. I think when we are particularly looking for good pictures, we notice things around us. Perhaps that is something that we all just need to do, just stop and look around at the world we live in. Also, I like your "Love, Me, Blues" picture. The enhancements were good. I like how the colors pop more now.