Monday, May 9, 2011

Flora & Fauna

{"Every Bunny Needs Some Bunny" 5/4/11-3:55:08 PM * Rexburg: My front yard * f/5.6 *1/200 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT * Edited: Camera Raw. I adjusted the levels mainly in exposure and dabbled with the saturation to bring more green after the exposure lightened it up. To focus more on the bunny, I used the adjustment brush to change the exposure and contrast.} 

{"A Scene from Bambi" * 5/5/11, 7:43:22 PM * Rexburg: Outside Benson Bldg. * f/4.5 * 1/30 sec * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT * Edited: Camera Raw. I didn't have to adjust the exposure much because it was great light but I did increase the blacks to bring more contrast. I used the adjustment brush to bring more exposure to the trees to help the audience eyes flower them all the way through. I also darkened the exposure in the small background on both sides of the farthest trees to increase focus on everything else.}

{"Color Me: White, or, Pink" * 5/5/11, 7:23:10 PM * Rexburg: Inside Benson Bldg * f/4.5 * 1/15 sec. * Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XT * Edited: Camera Raw. I hardly had to adjust exposure so I mainly increased blacks for contrast. I had a pretty good bokah on this shot but wanted to increase the contrast even more so I took the adjustment brush and decreased the exposure behind the white flowers and it still kept the pink but didn't make it my main focus.}

Fun Photoshoot Facts:
  • Drove into my driveway and I saw this bunny in the front yard. I got so excited and ran down stairs to grab my camers and the bunny was still there. The bunny was in the perfect position with the shadow and the light and I got a few great shots. I used my zoom so I could stay gar enough away, not to scare it off.
  • As I was leaving the interior of the Benson Bldg, I was discouraged that I didn't get many shots that I liked, yet, my card was full. I looked over and the sun was just setting and there was amazing light on these flowers and so I erased a few photos and took a few shots.
  • I played around with aperture a lot with the shots of these flowers. I tried a lot of different angles but discovered that I really wanted pink in the background. There were a lot of different flowers in this section but I loved the texture here and the pink flowers in the background. Also, I had to try and use a high level of bokah because this was an interior shot and I didn't want it to look that way.


  1. Sweet Bambi flowers and that is impressive you found such nice flowers on campus! It looks like you are out in some nice, warm forest somewhere. I can just picture you running for your camera to get the bunny shot. I love it! Nice descriptions. Keep up the great work!

  2. Yeah I really like the Bambi scene. It looks really pretty and you captured a great angle too. It looks really peaceful. I like the color me photo too, but I just wish that you had focused on the pink flowers since theres not really a focal point on the white flowers. It just kinda looks like nothing is really in focus.


How about some constructive criticism?